Parent View Summer 2024

Parent View Spring 2024

Parent View Autumn 2023

Suggestions on ways we can improve will be discussed at our Senior Leadership Team meeting in January.

Parent View: Summer 2023

We will be discussing potential ways forward from this in the Autumn Term as part of our Senior Leadership. We will then feedback on any changes made as a result of our discussions.

You said… We did:
Maybe more fundraising activities, like raffles to win food vouchers, sports tickets or treat baskets etc. To help raise some funds for school equipment. This could easily be done with online tickets. We have started to gradually increase these within the academy.

Just more organisation on start/finish times as its always a nightmare getting In and out always over crowded. We have tweaked the arrangements for KS1 so hopefully this will improve.
More info on after school clubs please, we came throughout the year so we don’t no what clubs there is or how they children can join Club information including spaces have been sent out.
Mark homework and work better. A line and a dot is wrong it’s horrible. Not marking work. A comment saying well done. Good effort is needed. We have sent information out to parents/carers explaining the way in which we mark highlighting the focus on live marking.
More events for the children to attend with their school friends such as end of year discos, end of term class parties etc. We have increased these in the Autumn Term and plan to continue over the year.
I don’t think there is anything that stands out as an immediate concern, but when iv brought a concern to a teachers attention it has been dealt with in a timely manner and been resolved to please all parties involved.
More advance notice of events. Annual calendar now on the website.
Open EYFS gate earlier. Now open earlier.
I think the school field should be used more for play times dinner times pe etc. We are hoping to increase this in Spring and Summer.
Parents been invited into the school more for parent reads etc. More school trips, I feel year 4 missed out on a lot during covid. Parent reading sessions, drop ins and performances scheduled in the new year

Spring 2023

Comments/Feedback from Parents/Carers:

Spring 2023

What do we do well?

“Lots of staff that don’t teach our daughter still seem to know her well, they take their time to get to know her. Including the head and deputy. The communication regarding our daughter couldn’t be better whether it is day to day or at graduated approach/annual reviews. My daughters teachers go above and beyond! (Huge thank you to Miss Laws, Miss Dobson and Mr Badcock) they allow my child to feel safe and offer all the encouragement she needs to produce some amazing work!”

“I think that the teachers, especially Mrs Tallant and Mrs Jackson listen to the children and the parents very well and are are always happy happy to help.”  

“My children are very happy at the school so they must feel supported.”

“Nurture and care for each child as an individual.”

“Communication through the school app is brilliant.”  

“Supportive teachers approachable to parent and children.”

Is there anything you would like to see us do differently?

1) “I would like to see more parent involvement in school day. Read with parents mornings were amazing, or at least some activity together with children and school.”

2) “More personalised marking of work and school reports. They feel very basic and generic, would like to know more detail about how my children are doing and where I can pick up any further support.  I feel like more comments from teachers on work makes them try harder.” 

3) “This is not linked to the questions above but I would like the early years entrance/exit clear before 8:40 as when walking to the main gates, I feel it is unsafe as it is too crowded for children and adults to walk past. If the early years gate was open it would clear the pathway.”

Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and we will be discussing these potential ways forward in one of our upcoming Senior Leadership Meetings.

Actions taken as a result of feedback given.
1) Implementation of a library session on a Friday afternoon from the second Summer Term. Invitations to be sent to parents and parents and children to use the library together and share stories. Children can also select a book to take home and Miss Oldroyd will be on hand to support with any reading related questions/queries.

2) We created a document for parents and carers, with further information for parents and carers around the different ways we assess in school as marking is not always fully evident in the books. This has now been shared via Class Dojo but will also be placed on the website. We have also tweaked the current report format to ensure ways forward are clear. We have also sent out additional information around apps that can be used to support learning at home.

3) EYFS and KS1 gates now open at a slightly earlier time to encourage parents/carers onto site which should reduce the number of people on the path and allow easier access.

Previous questionnaire results:

Autumn 2023

Results of the Questionnaire:

Other feedback we received:

Actions undertaken as a result of the Parent Voice:

We started a club specifically for EYFS children.

Continued to share knowledge organisers at the start of each half term.

Ensured that dates are shared as far in advance as possible, especially for anything related to dressing up/fancy dress.

Thrive home profiles for children to further support mental health and well-being.

Summer 2022

Results of the questionnaire:

Other feedback we received;

“Best school, best support, they make me feel like they are our big family.”

” My child has learnt so much since been at Escourt, the Teachers and staff are all amazing, always in contact with us parents/carers, with any news, developments. I will be sad to see him leave next year for secondary school.”

“I have had the opportunity to be involved in my Grandchild’s education along with his parents. Education is so important so it’s important that we all work together to enable my Grandchild to reach his full potential whilst making education fun.”

“My child hasent got any SEN just yet. The school are getting him referred and helping me so much with his eating. Mrs Finn has being so helpful and also his previous teachers. I also would like to thank the head teacher for understanding with his eating too.”

“This is my child’s second term at this school and has settled in and enjoying the learning experience which I think is down to Mrs Tallant and Mrs Jackson. “

Actions we undertook as a result of your parent voice;

Knowledge Organisers posted on Dojo so that parents/carers are aware of the curriculum content we are covering in each class.

– We have produced a flier for parents/carers around what bullying is and when an incident is considered relational conflict. Mrs Finn is always contactable for any queries around this.

– We are running Thrive drop-in sessions for parents/carers over the coming weeks to learn more about Thrive.

– We have started a SEND newsletter to give parents/carers additional information around SEND beyond the statutory 3 meetings per year.