Sometimes when discussing pupil’s provision in school you will hear the term ‘Pupil Premium’ this relates to additional funding the academy receives linked to the number of children who are eligible for ‘free school meals’ or who are classed as ‘Looked After Children.’ Research shows that unfortunately pupils in these groups are less like to leave school with GCSEs. We utilise the funding to close the gaps in learning and development for these children to ensure that they reach their full potential. We use the additional finding in a number of ways from small group and one to one specialist provision to subsidising visits to ensure that all pupils have same opportunities, regardless of financial status. As an academy we are accountable for our spend and share his information on our website but also with our Academy Advisory Board and as part of whole school and Trust based monitoring. More information about how we spend this finding is available on our Pupil Premium Strategy Document which is available on our statutory information page. |